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322 photos

Big Horn Sheep Lucky Number 13The Majestic Bison -  Roaming the Colorful Badlands of South DakotaBadlands Bighorn A Glimpse of Audubons Majestic SheepLonghorn Cow Posing at Devils Tower in Wyoming - First US National Monument of 1906Texas Longhorn Cows Gracefully Posing at Majestic Devils Tower - A Captivating Natural WonderLonghorn Cattle and Devils Towerbull elk bugling with a calfBuck It UpBuck On The RunThe Buck Stops HereMarmot-1tColorful-BisonMoose HeadIMG_8197IMG_8307Bull Moose In The RoadSeven Mule DeerCute Mule Deer Herd on the FoothillsAutumn-Buffaloes-Cow-CalfStanding Gaurd

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